Schedule for Fall 2024 Evening Series announced

Planetarium shows, 晚上会谈 和明星派对 to kick off Sept. 5
Fall 2024 Evening Series Announced

MONT ALTO, Pa — 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 announces Fall 2024 Schedule for its popular Evening Series. This year’s series will again feature three categories of events: 天文馆显示, 晚上会谈, 和明星派对. All are free to the public and will be offered both in-person (weather permitting) and virtually. Advanced registration is required. 


探索夜空, 绕太阳系天体飞行, and immerse yourself as you enter one of many astronomy-themed full dome videos. 金·赫尔曼主持, 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 associate professor of physics and astronomy, evening planetarium shows will be offered to the public this fall. Two shows per night are scheduled for the evenings of September 5, 12月12日, and December 13 at 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. in the Allied Health Building White Box (Room 115). Feel free to bring a pillow to sit on, though plastic chairs and foam mats will be available.  There will also be a Virtual Planetarium Show at 7:30 p.m. 12月4日.

Click here to learn more about 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校’s Mobile Planetarium.  


加入我们的鼓舞人心的, 晚间谈话的新阵容, where 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 faculty will share captivating experiences and enriching knowledge about Penn State and the world beyond. All held in the Auditorium in the General Studies Building, the series will offer three distinct talks: 

7:30 p.m.9月3日星期三. 25: "The Life of a Professional Lumberjack,,由Alex Storm呈现, lecturer and program coordinator of the associate forest technology program, will teach us all about timbersports: what they are and what it means to compete professionally, and we’ll hear stories from Storm about his competition experiences. 

7:30 p.m.10月10日星期一. 14: "学生生活 at 蒙特中音: 1908 and 2024,,由Peter Linehan提出, associate professor of forest technology. 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 students have always worked hard to succeed in their studies. Although student life 116 years ago was very different from today (no Internet or cell phones for example), there are many aspects that haven't changed much at all (students still need to have fun and relax). 在这次演讲中, Linehan will discuss the different social and academic conditions at 蒙特中音 between 1908 and 2024. 

7:30 p.m.11月11日星期一. 11: "Alaskan Summer," presented by Tom Reinsfelder, head librarian at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校. Tom Reinsfelder traveled to Alaska - where the sun never sets for part of the year. You will hear stories and see pictures from Fairbanks where the Midnight Sun Baseball game is an annual tradition dating back to 1906. Learn about Denali National Park where moose and bears roam free near the highest mountain in North America, and enjoy a few other stops along the Alaska Railroad, which stretches over 400 miles across the state. 


每晚谈话结束后, join us for a telescope viewing and night sky tour with laser pointers (weather permitting). 同样由金·赫尔曼主持, the 明星派对 will be held in the field in the field between Orchard Road and the 蒙特中音 campus’ General Studies Building parking lot from 8:45 to ~10 p.m. If the sky is clear, attendees on Nov. 11 may witness a lunar occultation of Neptune! 

Multiple telescopes may be available, courtesy of the TriState Astronomers, 当地的业余天文俱乐部. 万一天气冷, patrons should wear layers of clothing and bring jackets, 帽子, 和手套. Precipitation, cloud cover, or very cold temperatures may cause any Star Party to be canceled. Attendance at the Evening Talk is not required to attend the Star Party. 


With limited space, all events require preregistration. 注册在这里. 

For more information about 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校’s Evening Series, contact Kim Herrmann at (电子邮件保护).
